Egyptian Cotton

Egyptian Cotton Sheets, Bed Linen Luxury - Strong, Super-Soft, Quality Egyptian Cotton - Sheets & Pillowcases from

Egyptian Cotton Sheets

Egyptian Cotton Sheets, the height of bed linen luxury!  Strong and super-soft, ‘Egyptian Cotton’ is synonymous with quality, and rightly so!  The longer cotton fibres makes for a much more durable sheets & pillowcases, with an instantly – and significantly – better feel.  A touch of luxury for your home, or for your guests! 

What is Egyptian Cotton? - Kerry Linen Beddng and Bed Linen Ireland

What is Egyptian Cotton?

What is Egyptian Cotton?  There are a number of types of cotton, and Egyptian Cotton is generally considered to be one of, if not the, best. Cotton is derived from a number of plants in the cotton family and Egyptian Cotton comes from one called ‘Gossypium Barbadense’.  No, we’re not sure how to pronounce that either.